SHEEN Magazine is Proud to Join the 95th Birthday Celebration of the Legendary Harry Belafonte


 SHEEN Magazine is excited to be one of the few international media outlets selected to cover the legendary singer, songwriter, activist, and actor Harry Belafonte’s 95th Birthday Celebration.

As a social justice advocate, Belafonte co-founded the Sankofa Organization. In honor of’s 10th anniversary, a historical evening is planned to include the presentation of the inaugural Harry Belafonte Social Justice Awards to recipients Angela Davis, Rashad Robinson, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Dr. Cornel West, Darren Walker, Hank Willis Thomas, former Attorney General Eric Holder, and Congresswoman Barbara Lee. Also, memorial tributes to Belafonte are on deck by a star-studded line-up such as Aloe Blacc, John Legend, Lenny Kravitz, The Belafonte Alumni Band, Laurence Fishburne, Doug E Fresh, Danny Glover, Amy Goodman, Michael Moore, Q-Tip, Tim Robbins, Rev. Al Sharpton, Bryan Stevenson, Sweet Honey in the Rock, Jesse Williams, Alfre Woodard, and more. This monumental event is scheduled for March 1, at the Town Hall, 123 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036. Tickets are available at m/harry-belafonte-new-york-new-york-03-01-2022/event/03005C2EB1C81262?brand=townhall&camefrom=cfc_town_hall_website.

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About SHEEN Magazine

SHEEN Magazine is The Ultimate Beauty Guide for the modern-day woman and a preeminent voice within the beauty industry. Published bi-monthly, SHEEN Magazine has consistently proven to be a media influencer, provide up-to-date news, and share current trends within the world of beauty, fashion, hair, and entertainment. SHEEN strives to educate, motivate, and empower, reaffirming the importance of self-worth while encouraging its readership and audience to achieve their highest potential.

About Harry Belafonte

Harry Belafonte is an American singer, songwriter, activist, and actor. One of the most successful Jamaican-American pop stars, he popularized the Trinbagonian Caribbean musical style with an international audience in the 1950s. His breakthrough album Calypso was the first million-selling LP by a single artist.

Contact Information

SHEEN Magazine

Executive Director of Public Relations—Jackie Bush

Twitter and Instagram: @gjjpr_


SHEEN Magazine

Jackie Bush




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