M. Susan Thuillard’s Gripping Novel Will Enthrall Thriller Fans Through a Story Filled with Murder, Family Drama, and Exciting Plot Twists



M. Susan Thuillard scintillates mystery and thriller novel fans in her book, “Mary Maude McIntyre” as she asks the question: “Is killing hereditary or learned?”


“Mary Maude McIntyre” is a dark tale about a family’s mysterious disappearances and the disappearances of others who come to work for them. Ellen and Jesse McIntyre resided in an old farmhouse with their two children. They sought to start a family, but the husband, Jesse, was frustrated by miscarriages, stillbirths, and the deaths of their prior children. Only one child survived these tragic losses, and she was born without the ability to walk or communicate. But one day, Ellen gave birth to a child with piercing green eyes and red hair, and she named her Mary Maude, after her mother. Jesse, on the other hand, isn’t as enamored with the child as Ellen is. The child made him feel uneasy, and he noticed something unusual about her. A succession of frightening deaths rocked their home as Mary Maude grew up, including the death of Ellen, who fell down the stairs.


Is Jesse’s instinct concerning the child right all along? What impact will this have on future generations?


Join M. Susan Thuillard as she crafts a captivating plot with thrilling turns. She laced the book with a plethora of plot twists which she successfully reconciled in the end giving the story a satisfying conclusion.


“Is killing learned or hereditary?” The story of Mary Maude will answer the question.

Get your copy. Buy the book at: https://youronlinepublicist.com/product/mary-maude-mcintyre-by-m-susan-thuillard/


Mary Maude McIntyre

Author: M. Susan Thuillard

Publisher: Your Online Publicist

Published Date: February 2022

Book Genre: Crime, Thriller & Mystery


About the Author:

M. Susan Thuillard is a native to Indiana. Although she has lived in many parts of the nation, home is where she was born and raised. Susan has 9 children and over 30 grandchildren. She is most interested in golf, fishing, hunting, gardening, and good family-centered values. From a variety of experiences all over the North American Continent, Susan has gathered information and impressions that have become important details in her many books.