Hong Kong – Mainland COVID-19 medical expert delegation extends its visit in Hong Kong (with photos)


Mainland COVID-19 medical expert delegation extends its visit in Hong Kong (with photos)


     The Mainland COVID-19 medical expert delegation that is assisting Hong Kong in tackling the fifth wave of the epidemic today (February 23) continued its visit.


     The expert delegation visited Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital to understand operations there and to conduct in-depth discussions with clinicians on the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 cases. The expert delegation will extend its stay in Hong Kong and support medical-related work. 


     The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, said, “The Chief Executive yesterday (February 22) announced a comprehensive plan to control the current epidemic situation. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will spare no effort and leverage the Central Government’s experience and guidance in fighting the epidemic with the Central Government’s support in manpower and resources, with a view to enhancing the capability in ‘early treatment’ and reducing severe cases and deaths. I am grateful for the extended stay of the expert delegation to offer guidance and render assistance.”


     The Mainland COVID-19 medical expert delegation arrived in Hong Kong on February 19 for a visit.