Hong Kong – Report on “Demographic Changes and Long-Term Asset Markets: Opportunities and Developments in Hong Kong”


Report on “Demographic Changes and Long-Term Asset Markets: Opportunities and Developments in Hong Kong”


The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority: 

     The Hong Kong Institute for Monetary and Financial Research (HKIMR), the research arm of the Hong Kong Academy of Finance (AoF), today (14 February) released a new Applied Research report, titled “Demographic Changes and Long-Term Asset Markets: Opportunities and Developments in Hong Kong”. HKIMR Applied Research reports are released on topics that are highly relevant to market participants and regulators in Hong Kong, and they aim to provide insights on the long-term development strategy and direction of Hong Kong’s financial services industry.

     In view of the demographic changes in Hong Kong and the associated increase in demand for long-term assets for retirement planning, this report explores the opportunities and developments in Hong Kong’s long-term asset markets. It investigates the growth in demand for long-term assets due to demographic trends and reviews the various long-term assets available in Hong Kong. The report also gathers insights of local market participants through a survey and interviews commissioned by the HKIMR, highlighting the growth opportunities and arising key trends. For example, 83 per cent of the respondents would move towards ESG adoption in their investment strategies and 89 per cent would consider the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area initiative in their strategic plans. The report concludes by discussing ways to promote the healthy development of Hong Kong’s long-term asset markets amidst the demographic transition.

     “Because of its robust infrastructure and world-class pool of professional talent, Hong Kong is well positioned to capture the opportunities created by its shifting population dynamics. We are optimistic that the future development of the long-term asset markets in Hong Kong will further facilitate residents’ retirement planning,” said Deputy Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and Deputy Chairman of the HKIMR, Mr Edmond Lau.

     The report is available on the AoF/HKIMR website.

About the AoF

     The AoF is set up with full collaboration amongst the HKMA, the Securities and Futures Commission, the Insurance Authority and the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority. By bringing together the strengths of the industry, the regulatory community, professional bodies and the academia, it aims to serve as (i) a centre of excellence for developing financial leadership; and (ii) a repository of knowledge in monetary and financial research, including applied research.

About the HKIMR

     The HKIMR is the research arm of the AoF. Its main remit is to conduct research in the fields of monetary policy, banking and finance that are of strategic importance to Hong Kong and the Asia region. The Applied Research studies undertaken by the HKIMR are on topics that are highly relevant to the financial industry and regulators in Hong Kong, and they aim to provide insights on the long-term development strategy and direction of Hong Kong’s financial industry.