Adebayo Adeleke LLC Announces New Subsidiary, Supply Chain Africa To Enable Life and Business On The African Continent


Supply Chain Africa is a digital platform advancing African supply chains, and enabling life and business on the African continent. The platform’s major role is to connect the world to Africa’s supply chain trends and innovations, while highlighting expertise, peculiarities and change makers.

Adebayo Adeleke LLC a Texas-based disabled veteran and technology company specializing in Supply Chain Management and Logistics, Leadership and Strategy, Risk Management and Security, Diversity and Inclusion, and Geopolitics, today, announces and introduces its social enterprise, Supply Chain Africa.

Supply Chain Africa is a digital platform advancing African supply chains, and enabling life and business on the African continent. The platform’s major role is to connect the world to Africa’s supply chain trends and innovations, while highlighting expertise, peculiarities and change makers.

Supply Chain Africa’s vision relies on the pillars of; Publishing, Community, and Advocacy. This vision will be implemented using 4 major digital touchpoints; a quarterly digital magazine, a monthly newsletter, a website, as well as a monthly Africa Future’s podcast, Supply Chain Africa’s voice of change and innovation.

Spear-heading Supply Chain Africa as President and Chief Executive Officer, is Supply Chain Leader and CEO of Adebayo Adeleke LLC,  Adebayo Adeleke and multidisciplinary Consultant, Marketing Expert and Co-Founder at Ship Africa Global Logistics, Izin Akioya as Editor-In-Chief and Managing Partner.

“It is quite an honor to take my place as the editor in chief at Supply Chain Africa,” remarked Supply Chain Africa’s Editor-In-Chief and Managing Partner, Izin in a note.

Concluding her note, Izin encouraged the public to, “Look out for the Africa Futures podcast launch in February 2022, plus our quarterly editorial magazine in March 2022.”

Commenting on Africa’s originality while discussing the complexities in the global supply chain and moving of products in Africa on the Unlocking Africa podcast, Adebayo Adeleke reiterated that, “Africa has its own uniqueness and Africa needs to play it’s own role by using this uniqueness to its advantage”.

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