MACKIE Magazine Makes a Return


 MACKIE Magazine first hit the internet in 2012 and was published bi-monthly until 2016. The articles featured highlighted primarily independent Christian & Gospel artists. Starting with the Feb 1st issue, the new MACKIE will be published quarterly and feature news, stories and bios of independent artists of all genres & individuals who are making a difference.

MACKIE Editors: Araina Hood-Martin & Joy L. Hood.

Visit the MACKIE Magazine blogsite here:

MACKIE Magazine is a division of Taylor Bear Productions. (Taylor Bear Publications, a division of Dreamin’ Out Loud, LLC.)

Dreamin’ Out Loud, LLC is a limited liability company registered and in good standing in the state of Missouri with the authority to conduct business world-wide.

Divisions of Dreamin’ Out Loud, LLC are:

Dreamin’ Out Loud Entertainment – indie record label

The Giovanna Talent Agency – music business consulting service

DOLERN Media – KBAT variety internet radio – Conversin’ Freestyle internet talk radio

Taylor Bear Publications – print materials

Paper & Pen Productions – video production

Established in 2009 as a family-owned indie Contemporary Christian Pop label, Dreamin’ Out Loud Entertainment (D.O.L.E.), was voted indie label of the year at the inaugural 2013 IMEA Music Awards in Ashland, Kentucky. The music video for its’ song “Always” was a winner at the 1994 Kan Film Festival.

One single, “Rough Day,” was released on its’ flagship artist in 2014.

In 2014 (D.O.L.E.) signed Christian Contemporary Pop artist Kristin Rader from Cleveland, TN. The single “Smile” was released on her in 2015.

In 2016 (D.O.L.E.) was put on inactive status but as of Fall 2021, has been re-launched as a multi-genre niche entertainment recording company focused on spreading a positive, up-lifting message through the creative arts. Its’ releases will be through mp3 only. 95% of the material released are songs either written, co-written or associated with/by label owner Arthur “Poetry” Payne III.

Dreamin’ Out Loud Entertainment is a company founded on Christian principles and morals and is a division of Dreamin’ Out Loud, LLC.

Dreamin’ Out Loud Entertainment

Arthur E. Payne III




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