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Canada – Canada launches applications for $200 million fund to support pollution-cutting projects through the Low Carbon Economy Fund

January 27, 2022 – Gatineau, Quebec

Across the country, Canadians are calling for ambitious climate action that keeps our air clean while building a strong economy for today and tomorrow alike. That is exactly what the Government of Canada is investing to deliver.

Through initiatives like the Low Carbon Economy Fund, the Government of Canada continues to work with partners across the country to cut pollution and build strong, resilient communities, while creating good jobs and growing a sustainable, clean economy.

Today, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, announced that the second round of applications is open for $200 million through the Low Carbon Economy Fund’s Champions stream, which supports a wide range of local pollution‑cutting initiatives in communities across Canada.

Champions stream investments support municipalities, businesses, not-for-profit organizations, and Indigenous communities to develop and implement transformational projects that significantly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, create good jobs, and contribute to Canada’s 2030 emissions reduction target.

This second round of applications will build on the results for communities that the Fund has already delivered. Minister Guilbeault was joined today by New Brunswick Member of Parliament Wayne Long, as well as representatives of recipients selected during the first round of funding, including:

The City of Saint John, New Brunswick, which is installing a renewable heating and cooling system in a main commercial complex and undertaking energy retrofits in up to fifty municipal buildings throughout the city.
The City of Peterborough, Ontario, which is developing a centralized composting centre to divert food, leaf, and yard waste from landfills.
The Cowessess First Nation in Saskatchewan, which is installing solar arrays on five community-owned buildings.
The Centre de Traitement de la Biomasse de la Montérégie, which is installing new equipment to convert organic and food waste into renewable energy and hygienic dried biofertilizer.

Projects like these, funded under the Champions stream, are necessary for Canada to achieve its climate goals by reaching a cumulative reduction of over 24.5 megatonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, equivalent to cutting a year’s worth of energy emissions from approximately 5.7 million homes. While reducing carbon pollution, these projects will create good, middle‑class jobs and build community resilience to climate change.

The department is accepting expressions of interest for the new Champions stream until March 25, 2022. Applicants can visit the Low Carbon Economy Challenge website to find more information on whether their projects might be eligible, and how to apply.

Investments in climate action initiatives like this reaffirm the Government of Canada’s commitment to delivering a cleaner, safer environment while building a stronger economy.

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