Ingerson Capital Partners Releases the Performance Report on ‘Asia Driving Demand for Longer Trading Hours’


Ingerson Capital Partners today released a performance report on ‘Asia Driving Demand for Longer Trading Hours’. The report has outlined that there is a significant rising desire for brokers and other investment professionals, including its own, to trade on markets based outside of their time zones during their local trading hours – with Asia demonstrating the leading the pack.

Firms currently trading in extended sessions on international exchanges are driving the trend, with many of these financial institutions expressing some or significant interest in trading during extended hours trading sessions, according to researchers at Ingerson Capital Partners.

Overall, Asia has the strongest demand, with a large percentage of financial institutions throughout the continent already trading extended hours, and firms that do not currently are showing a keen interest to look into it. The highest demand for extended hours comes from asset managers and hedge funds, representing the increasingly global reach of this market segment.

“As we continue to push the evolution of our markets and satisfy the increasing global appetite for European derivatives, launching extended hours in Asia was the next phase of our company’s globalization strategy,” explained Matthew Price who heads up the Capital Markets division for Ingerson Capital Partners.

“As we move forward, extended trading hours will better align our business with our global peers, boosting our international visibility and connecting us to more of our clients,” he added.

For firms currently trading extended hours, key drivers for the demand include capturing unique opportunities, requirements for trading strategies, the ability to respond to events throughout the day, and hedging considerations.

“The world is becoming a lot smaller in terms of investment firms’ and their ability to trade globally, and the introduction of extended trading hours is a crucial move to facilitate that trend,” said Simon Philips, Ingerson Capital Partners’ Senior Vice President.

“The motivation from firms based in Asia, like our own, is to expand the scope of their trading activities and reflects the growing sophistication and vision of firms across this continent.”

For those firms that are not yet trading extended hours, the most vital importance is to capture unique opportunities relating to extended trading hours.

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