Hong Kong – COVID-19 Vaccination Programme statistics


COVID-19 Vaccination Programme statistics


     The COVID-19 Vaccination Programme has been implemented for 331 days since February 26, 2021.


     So far, about 10 718 600 doses of vaccines have been administered under the Vaccination Programme. Details are as follows:


 Number of persons receiving Sinovac vaccineNumber of persons receiving BioNTech vaccineTotal number of doses
First vaccine dose1 994 7003 223 8005 218 500
Second vaccine dose1 768 6002 972 3004 740 800
Third vaccine dose340 200419 100759 300

* The numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred.


     In the 24 hours ending at 8pm today (January 21), about 47 800 persons have received vaccination. Details are as follows:


 Sinovac vaccineBioNTech vaccine
Number of persons receiving first dose11 3009 800
Number of persons receiving second dose2 1002 400
Number of persons receiving third dose7 70014 400

* The numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred.


     About 630 children aged 5 to 11 received the first dose of the Sinovac vaccine today.