Sunil Ramlall to Present at 2022 Southwest Academy of Management Conference in New Orleans


Actually, a recent Inside Higher Education article {Star, 2020 #382} explained that learners value the opportunity to have a choice between online and face to face learning opportunities. The necessity to provide options for learners is more pivotal than ever before to ensure students have options available that meet their needs.

With the challenges created by COVID-19, universities and other academic institutions have focused on online learning almost exclusively and hoping to grow enrollment through online degree programs. Much of the transition from traditional academic models to an online delivery model has been through crisis management where there have been a rush to transfer courses to an online model. . For many of these institutions, the question is whether these online models be sustainable and be the preferred option for pursuing courses and degrees.

About Southwest Academy of Management. The Southwest Academy of Management is dedicated to crafting the whole professor through teaching, research, and service. We will accomplish this mission by:

Providing programs to members and schools within our region to enhance professional development, particularly in the area of effective teaching.

Providing a professional environment that supports the research interests of SWAM members.

Providing innovative programming that encourages the linkages between academia and industry.

Offering programming that examines career development issues, including the issue of service within academia.

Creating an open organization that pursues positive changes, innovative ideas and creative new directions by actively seeing member participation.

Creating an organization that seeks to understand the diverse needs of all universities and meet the professional needs of faculty within those universities.

Sunil Ramlall, Ph.D.
