Dr. Paula Payne Hardin’s Book Helps Readers Prepare for Successful Aging


The author strives to help readers, especially those reaching midlife, make impactful choices in midlife and find meaning and renewed vitality and positivity as they age.

San Diego, CA – WEBWIRE

Check out Dr. Paula Payne Hardin’s “What are you doing with the rest of your life?: Choices in Midlife” at the Tucson Festival of Books 2022.

The adult development guide “What are you doing with the rest of your life?: Choices in Midlife” by Dr. Paula Payne Hardin aims to increase the sense of opportunity among adults encouraging them to prepare for (successful) aging.


Dr. Hardin’s research points out that it is necessary for adults, especially those reaching midlife, to look with courage and honesty at the direction they are taking in life and decide whether it’s what they truly want. The author said, “I hope you bend your ear toward the deep inner call that comes to you in midlife, urging you to become more than you realize you are.”


Dr. Hardin wrote “What are you doing with the rest of your life?: Choices in Midlife” to help her readers navigate the changes and challenges brought by aging and embrace the opportunities it offers. The book is filled with stories, poems, quotes, as well as facts, theories, and true-life experiences. All of these the author includes to help readers become better acquainted with the inevitable – to help them face life’s challenging journey as they move into the second half of life.


“Aging well does not mean the absence of problems. It does mean we can choose to prepare for and recognize a fork in the road that comes to us during the second half of life.”


It is Dr. Paula Payne Hardin’s hope that her book “What are you doing with the rest of your life?: Choices in Midlife” will help readers recognize the problems that may confront them as they grow older. This book will help them avoid unnecessary suffering and drive their focus towards attitudes and activities that bring them joy and fulfillment to their lives and to those around them.


Dr. Paula Payne Hardin’s “What are you doing with the rest of your life?: Choices in Midlife” will be publicly displayed at the exhibit that self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnet will put up at the 2022 Tucson Festival of Books on March 12-13, 2022, at the University of Arizona Mall, Tucson, AZ. Make sure not to miss this out.


Welcome aging with grace and an open mind. Order a copy of the book today on Amazon. 



What are you doing with the rest of your life?: Choices in Midlife

Author | Paula Payne Hardin

Published date | April 29, 2019

Publisher |

Book retail price | $10.95


Author Bio


Paula Hardin obtained her doctorate in education from Northern Illinois University with a research emphasis on adult development, particularly the choices of midlife that shape the second half of life. For her post-doctoral master’s degree in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University, she focused on stages of spiritual development as found in religious literature.


Dr. Hardin is a teacher, writer, and lecturer. She directed Midlife Consulting Services and the Hardin Generativity Trust in Chicago. She has trekked with her husband, David, and dear friends around the world from the Himalayas to Botswana. Now an elder in her late 80s, she is enjoying her extended family, kayaking, cats, nature, solitude, and writing.