Royal Corgi Index. A digital currency for everyday people that’s reshaping the future


Currently, the everyday financial transactions rely upon a trusted third party to maintain a record of transactions. For example, when you do a bank transaction, the banking system keeps a record & guarantees that the transaction is safe & reliable.

Royal Corgi Index smart contract is open-source, permanent and non-modifiable. While the creators do own a GOLD BOND in excess of 300 ML $ that is secured for the sole purpose of this project, Royal Corgi Index token is strictly a utility token in all jurisdictions and is not and cannot be considered to be a “security” or otherwise regulated token of any kind.

Royal Corgi Index is a decentralized and community driven project and does not have owners, shareholders, promoters, marketers, managers, directors or other figures or entities exerting any form of governance.

Whitepaper, on the Website or within the app is intended only as a basic reference, without any elective or legal meaning of the same terms in a regulated and/or financial environment.

Transaction fees :

Compared to other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, Royal Corgi Index transaction fees are only a few cents.

Royal Corgi Index Economic Model: Balancing Scarcity and Access

Royal Corgi Index economic model design requirements:

Simple: Build an intuitive and transparent model

Fair Distribution: Give everyone access to Royal Corgi Index

Scarcity: Create a sense of scarcity to sustain Royal Corgi Index price over time

71% of the supply has been burned and Royal Corgi Index team is committed to burn 10 trillion tokens every month until the total distribution locks at 100 trillion Tokens.

Royal Corgi Index liquidity has been locked for 5 years with Mudra Locker.

Mudra offers exciting products for BSC token investors and allows early Investors to research a newly launched token before investing.

Royal Corgi Index – Token Supply

– Total Max Supply = 1000 Tn ROI

– Burned Supply = 710 Tn ROI

– Circulating Supply = 290 Tn ROI

Royal Corgi Index Tokenomics

1: Reflections

4.5% is Redistributed to all existing holders

2: LP Acquisition

4% is added to liquidity

3: Growth Fund

1.5% is added to the Royal Corgi Index Ecosystem Growth Fund