New Book by by Andrea Dreiling – The Burning People


ADELAIDE BOOKS is proud to present the latest work by Andrea Dreiling – The Burning People

The Burning People begins with the ending of Mary-Frances’s life. Mary-Frances, a beloved mother and wife, takes her last breath in Bent Branch Falls in 1973. Bent Branch Falls is a small Appalachian town that has a way of taking care of those who come to it seeking refuge and freedom. But in the months that follow Mary-Frances’s death, the intensity of her late husband, Curtis’s, grief begins to challenge the community bonds that anchor the town of Bent Branch Falls to its precarious place on an isolated mountain. Abigail, Curtis and Mary-Frances’ only child, is left to her own devices as her father’s erratic behavior threatens to throw the entire town into a spiral of entropy.

Populated with odd and vibrant characters, The Burning People is a lyrically rendered southern gothic novel that illuminates the richness of life and all the moments of levity that can take place within it before its expiration.

Andrea Dreiling earned a bachelor’s degree in English/writing with a minor in ethnic studies from the University of Colorado Denver. She has published poems and short stories in literary magazines such as Teeth Dreams, Birdy, Stain’d, South Broadway Ghost Society and Fresh.Ink., and currently writes reviews and articles for Paperback Paris. The Burning People was inspired by her love for southern gothic novels and the time she spent in a writing residency at Azule Artist’s Place in Hot Springs, NC. For more information please visit


Title:  The Burning People
Author:  Andrea Dreiling
Publisher: Adelaide Books
Publisher Website:
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ISBN:   978-1956635034
Price:  $19.60
Page Count: 268  pages
Formats: paperback

Description of the company: ADELAIDE BOOKS LLC is a New York based independent company dedicated to publishing literary fiction and creative nonfiction. It was founded in July 2017 as an imprint of the Adelaide Literary Magazine, with the aim to facilitate publishing of novels, memoirs, and collections of short stories, poems, and essays by contributing authors of our magazine and other qualified writers.