“Metaverse Smart Kids – Teaching Kids of Every Age About the Metaverse” is now available on Amazon


Money Smart Publishing announced it will publish and distribute Metaverse Smart Kids – Teaching Kids of Every Age About the Metaverse by Andy LaPointe

The metaverse is fast becoming an area of interest for investors and businesses alike. Since Mark Zuckerburg from Facebook announced they were renaming the company to Meta, every industry has been buzzing about the metaverse. Metaverse Smart Kids is available on Amazon.

What is the Metaverse?

The metaverse is the blending of the real world with the online or digital world.

It is where the lines of physical reality blur with virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR), making the metaverse an interesting and engaging place.

When you are in the metaverse, unlike in a computer game, you will have one foot in the virtual world and another in real life. You will have the option to interact with digital things and the real world at the same time.

You can use bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to buy virtual lands in online communities. You can also make purchases of real-world items and have them shipped to your home while you are exploring digital worlds.

Metaverse Smart Kids – Teaching Kids of Every Age About the Metaverse provides a step-by-step introduction to the metaverse. Here is why you should get a copy of this book:

  • The Metaverse is expected to reach $1 Trillion in annual sales in a few years
  • Over 10,000 Metaverse-related jobs are expected to be created over the next 5 years.
  • Some virtual land in the Metaverse has already sold for over $2 million.
  • If you are reading this, the Metaverse is still in its very early stages and you can be one of the first people to capitalize on it.
  • Eventually, almost all businesses will have to transition into the Metaverse.
  • And much more…

According to Andy LaPointe, author of Metaverse Smart Kids, “When I first heard the Facebook was changing its name to Meta to capitalize on the growing interest in the immersive experience of the metaverse, I realize there was no practical, step-by-step guide individuals can read to learn about the metaverse. So I wrote this book from my own experience in blockchain, NFTs and cryptocurrencies.“

Mr. LaPointe continued, “You see, I started my career in 1994 as a Series 7 stockbroker with First of Michigan Investments in Traverse City, Michigan. During the next 15 years I earned my Registered Investment Advisor designation and worked as a mutual fund/separate account/annuity wholesaler. I am now an advisor for a digital asset startup and also teach others how to get started in cryptocurrencies. This book is the third book in the Smart Kids series. The other two titles are:

Bitcoin Smart Kids – Teaching Kids of Every Age About Bitcoin.

Blockchain Smart Kids – Teaching Kids How Blockchain and Bitcoin Work Together. This book also includes an Introduction to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) bonus chapter.”

About Mr. LaPointe:

His background includes 15 years in the corporate world as registered investment advisor, stockbroker and mutual fund/separate account wholesaler. 8 years as a licensed Realtor® and then over 15+ years in the financial services industry. He has appeared on numerous television and radio broadcasts talking about real estate and money management. My articles have appeared in numerous publications.