Avery Stafford Announces Brand New Book Titled, “When Collaboration Mirrors the Trinity”


 “When Collaboration Mirrors the Trinity: Leveraging Unity to Bless Our World” is a newly released book from Wipf & Stock Publishers in Eugene, OR. The author, Dr. Avery Stafford, calls out systemic disunity among Christian churches and invites them to embrace four practical rhythms that build new narratives of relational trust.

Stafford, a Christian pastor in greater Portland, OR, said the following about his inaugural book: “Local churches are siloed. Pastors do not know one another and rarely work together. Christians drive by church buildings on their way to Sunday worship and seldom pray for one another. Vitriolic disunity spews across social media in front of an onlooking world. Our culture sees our fractured reality and increasingly dismisses Christianity as a viable option for their lives. And it is time for believers to recognize that it is our fault. But there is hope!”

When Collaboration Mirrors the Trinity offers an edgy “state of the church address” through the eyes and experiences of an African American pastor. It also includes practical advice on how Christian churches can bless their cities through a culture of church collaboration. In early December 2021, the book debuted at number four on Amazon’s New Releases in the Ecclesiology Christian Theology category.

To learn more about When Collaboration Mirrors the Trinity, visit http://wipfandstock.com/9781666710656/when-collaboration-mirrors-the-trinity/ or http://www.amazon.com/When-Collaboration-Mirrors-Trinity-Leveraging/dp/1666710652.

To learn more about Avery Stafford, visit http://www.averystafford.com.

ONE360 Ministry

Avery Stafford





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