Spokane Christmas Tattoo Trends & The Craze by All About It Ink


The tattoo craze is real and the trend keeps evolving year after year in Spokane, WA. We visited Spokane and explored its tattoo shops. You will be amazed to find out how crazy Spokane really is about its tattoos.

Spokane is famous for its tattoo’s, you can walk through the neighbourhood and be mesmerized by people walking around with stunning tattoo work on their body along with amazing Spokane tattoo shops with highly skilled tattoo artists.

What makes Spokane different during the Christmas time is it’s Christmas tattoo craze, with multiple offers and discounts offered by tattoo shops along with the showcase of mind blowing Christmas tattoo’s, everyone is just hypnotized in this trend.

The shops are full and tattoo artists are super busy during the Christmas time, however the people do not stop coming in and take advantage of their offers and new tattoo ideas.

All About It Ink is one of the leading tattoo shops in Spokane, WA that keeps the Christmas spirit alive with its experienced tattoo artists and beautiful tattoo ideas and skills.

As per Ashley, the owner of All About it Ink, 80% of the crowd wants something special for their family members inked on their body as a symbol of their love and affection and also get a ton of people who want something crazy and different inked.

Spokane is truly different from other cities, its wild, passionate, calm and loud at the same time.

The main goal of all the tattoo shops in Spokane is to provide elite and premium services to its clients, which after visiting a number of these shops I was able to experience.

What are Spokane’s truly trending Christmas tattoos?

The number one trending Christmas tattoo in Spokane is of a “Designer Snowball” and number two on the list is of the “Laughing Santa”, lastly the third most trending tattoo is of the “Snowman”.

These trending tattoo’s in Spokane have been modified multiple times based on individual imagination and has never disappointed anyone. People love the festive season and want to ink it on themselves to show their love towards it.

If you visit Spokane next time don’t forget to get inked.

About All About It Tattoo Studio

Spokane’s Leading Tattoo Shop