Hong Kong – Electors only need to bring original of Hong Kong identity card to vote on voting day


Electors only need to bring original of Hong Kong identity card to vote on voting day


The following is issued on behalf of the Electoral Affairs Commission:


     Regarding a wrong quote of the Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC), Mr Justice Barnabas Fung Wah, in media reports on the requirement that electors must bring the poll card to vote on the polling day of the 2021 Legislative Council General Election, a spokesman for the EAC today (December 15) made the following clarification:


     On polling day, electors are only required to bring the original of their Hong Kong identity card to vote at the designated polling station as specified on the poll card. The poll card aims to notify electors of the name and address of the polling station assigned to them and other relevant information. Eligible electors only need to present their Hong Kong identity card to the polling staff for verification and issuing ballot paper(s).


     Electors who are unable to produce the original of their Hong Kong identity card, because it is lost, in collecting the ballot paper(s) may produce a “memo of lost property” (a document evidencing a report to a police officer of the loss or destruction of their identity document) together with the original of the person’s valid passport or similar travel document showing their name and photograph to collect ballot paper(s).


     For enquiries, please visit the election website (www.elections.gov.hk) or call the Registration and Electoral Office’s hotline at 2891 1001.