Hong Kong – 2021 Legislative Council General Election – Registration figure for arrangement for electors to return from Mainland to Hong Kong to vote


2021 Legislative Council General Election – Registration figure for arrangement for electors to return from Mainland to Hong Kong to vote


     The 2021 Legislative Council General Election – Registration for the arrangement for electors to return from the Mainland to Hong Kong to vote began at 9am on December 1 and ended at 6pm today (December 8). During the registration period, the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) has received a total of 22 130 registrations. The respective registrations received for voting at the boundary control point polling stations are Heung Yuen Wai (Liantang): 6 156; Lo Wu (Luohu): 7 089; and Lok Ma Chau Spur Line (Futian): 8 885.


     The REO issues a notification of registration result to the elector who has submitted registration via SMS and/or email within three days of receipt of the registration to confirm whether they have successfully registered to vote at the specified boundary control point polling station.


     For enquiries, please email to reoenq@reo.gov.hk or call the REO’s hotline (2891 1001).