Sylvia Fernandez Chamberlain Fosters Positive Thinking in Children With a Children’s Fantasy Book


Mia discovers the power and spirit hidden beneath her thoughts through each Garden of thought, feeling, and action.

“The Spirit Within” (Book Baby; 2021) by Sylvia Fernandez Chamberlain tells the story of Mia, who wakes up in the Garden of Fairies, a magical and mysterious place filled with wonder. She soon finds herself on an adventure that will help her understand the importance of words and the power of creativity and positive thinking.

In her adventure through the fantastical Gardens of thoughts, feeling, and action, Mia will gain meaningful life lessons about thoughts, words, and actions. She will discover the power and spirit hidden beneath her thoughts and, on her return home, find magic in the real world, which is not as different from the magical world.

Kids and adults both will love “The Spirit Within” for the important messages that the author weaves through the adventures of Mia; that of positive thinking, creativity, and love of adventure.

Order a copy of the children’s fantasy adventure book “The Spirit Within” by Sylvia Fernandez Chamberlain today on Amazon

Make sure to check out the book display of “The Spirit Within” at the 2022 Tucson Festival of Books on March 12-13, 2022, at the University of Arizona Mall, Tucson, AZ.

The Spirit Within

Author | Sylvia Fernandez Chamberlain

Published date | November 2021

Publisher | Book Baby

Book retail price | $12.93

Author Bio

Sylvia Chamberlain is a professional marriage and family therapist who has worked with children for the past 30 years. She has noted so many times how sad, unhappy, and miserable children can be. All of which, stops them from learning how powerful they really are if only they can think more creatively and positively. Sylvia wrote this book after working with her two great granddaughters who helped her put it together. She used their ideas to describe how a child feels when they are anxious or fearful. Mia and Micaela offered not just support but ideas to help other children such as themselves.