Child Author Natalia Padilla’s Book “Good Night” Will Be Displayed at the Tucson Festival of Books


Don’t miss the public display of “Good Night” by Natalia Padilla at the Tucson Festival of Books 2022.

“Good Night” (ReadersMagnet; 2020) by Natalia Padilla is one of the thousands of new children’s titles that will be exhibited at the 2022 Tucson Festival of Books on March 12-13, 2022, at the University of Arizona campus, Tucson, AZ.

The children’s book will be publicly displayed at the exhibit that self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnet will host at the Tucson Festival of Books, which is one of the biggest literary festivals in the country.

Natalia describes in “Good Night” how some people learn differently, and emphasizes that to solve a problem, one has to think differently. By reading “Good Night,” kids will enjoy learning about vowels, consonants, conjunctions, and other aspects of the English language. The book encourages kids to speak English correctly and fluently without an accent.

Music and reading is the key to opening up a child’s mind to be content in one’s self and to open up their creativity. She has also included in her book an original song, also titled “Good Night,” which she composed to inspire children to learn music.

A child or adult may learn through reading with fun this wonderful story of a young girl about how she spends her time with family and friends. The final pages teach readers that just one small seed, or one small child, can make a wonderful difference in this world.

Gift the book “Good Night” by Natalia Padilla for any child who’s learning English and music. Order today on Amazon at

Good Night

Author | Natalia Padilla

Published date | July 15, 2020

Publisher | ReadersMagnet

Book retail price | $4.07

Author Bio

Natalia Padilla is a twelve-year-old pianist, composer, art illustrator, and author of “Good Night.” She currently lives in San Diego, California, where she has lived for the most of her life. She’s also a songwriter, and her debut song was also called “Good Night.” In 2015, she won the California National Piano Playing auditions. Natalia enjoys reading fantasy and history books, and uses her creativity to paint, draw, or to sculpt clay into a piece of beauty. Natalia relaxes her thought processing creativity by playing her piano to possibly create a song for people to enjoy such as her song “Good Night.”