IT Company Raketa will take part in the UN Internet Governance Forum


“These are especially important and relevant topics for us,” says the administration of Raketa. – “After all, our digital platform for organizing business trips and managing expenses is now actively developing the direction of artificial intelligence. In addition, Raketa deals with personal, corporate data every day and every minute. For us, the security of storing this information, ensuring reliable mechanisms for working with them is a priority in our activities. We also pay great attention to the issues of content, the development of digital projects and digital transformation. We will be able to discuss all these areas within the framework of the UN Forum 2021”.

In addition, the event will also cover the topics of new technologies: big data, the Internet of things, blockchain and others.

The UN Internet Governance Forum was established in 2006 by Kofi Annan, the 7th UN Secretary General, which made this event part of the United Nations ecosystem. The Forum brought together all stakeholders to discuss Internet governance issues, regardless of whether they represent governments, business or civil society.
