Learn How Even the Worst of Times Can Bring About Good With Patti Culver’s New Book


The author believes success is achieved by finding a ray of light amid the darkness

Trials and adversities are not unknown to those who have achieved great things. Breakthrough Leadership with Patti Culver (now available on Amazon) is a story that starts with darkness but eventually ends with a bright, shining light. Our author’s story of battling illness, experiencing pain, being ambushed by life’s surprises, and overcoming it all is nothing short of motivational and inspiring.

Patti Culver is a network marketing professional and co-author of Breakthrough Leadership with Patti Culver. Culver began writing from a very young age and recently finished working her last job as a government grant writer. In her spare time, she volunteers in her community, located in the beautiful red rock vistas of southwest Utah. Having experienced a lifetime of personal and medical trials that built her character, she believes that all of us can help one another overcome our adversities through our shared experiences. She shares how her own illness led to this mindset: “So, when I finally recovered from my illnesses, I set out to find what the calling really was. I discovered that I was meant to be here to help others in any way that I could.”

Culver’s struggle through various illnesses and trials will teach her readers one thing: even in the darkest moments, there is a ray of light, and that we must use this light to keep going. Of course, we should not invite bad times, but we must instead be ready when they come our way, armed with positivity, perseverance, and hope.

“[I]f you’re human, you will experience trials and adversity. But it’s what we do with that adversity that determines our destiny. Just look to something outside yourself for strength, whether it’s God, a tree, or serendipity. Persevere, and you will find your way back to happiness,” says Culver.

Breakthrough Leadership with Patti Culver will teach its readers a valuable lesson: Never let a ray of hope die. Because no matter how bad it gets, how difficult things seem, or how the odds are stacked against us, our choice to persevere and fight back will pick us up and keep us moving forward.

V. Lowry Snow, an attorney and Utah State Representative, comments on how Culver’s life taught her some valuable lessons: “Patti has had to learn to deal with some significant trials during her life, including some serious health challenges. But her approach to these challenges has been to accept them and learn the lessons they teach. She believes our life experiences, including the challenging ones, are intended to teach us valuable lessons. From them, we learn how to help ourselves and help others going through their trials by sharing our life experiences and providing them hope. Some of the most meaningful experiences in her life started with a major trial or setback. By learning how to surrender, she found great strength, especially when her life seemed the bleakest. It was during those times she learned humility, found God, and obtained strength in the process.”

Lyman Dayton, filmmaker of Where the Red Fern Grows, praises Culver’s perseverance through suffering: “Given the multitude of maladies Patti Culver has experienced, I am amazed at her resilience. I think most would give up and opt for being bedridden. She has done the opposite. She has eschewed death’s doorstep and taken on her suffering as a challenge. If anyone is qualified to write about pain and suffering and yet feel gratitude for her blessings, it is Patti.”

Breakthrough Leadership with Patti Culver is now for sale on Amazon.

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