Hong Kong – Transcript of remarks by S for S after Fight Crime Committee meeting (with video)


Transcript of remarks by S for S after Fight Crime Committee meeting (with video)


     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung, at a media session after the Fight Crime Committee meeting this afternoon (December 3):


Reporter: First, my question would be about some pollsters are conducting about the LegCo elections. In your opinion, Secretary, would pollsters be breaching the law by including the options of blank vote or not voting in their survey? And, in your opinion, why would presenting the survey results and actual opinions reflected by the public be deemed as inciting the others not to vote in an election?


​     My second question is regarding the reports by Stand News about smart prison technologies. It has been quoted in these reports by human rights or by refugees studies academics that basically the smart technology used might not be in compliance with some human rights or privacy considerations. And I quote from the report saying that “it is crazy to basically ask detainees to be wearing these handbands when they are already in prisons”. So how would you respond to these accusations? Thank you.


Secretary for Security: First of all, regarding your first question, I think whether an individual person, his individual act is legal or illegal, it all depends on individual circumstances. It would be very difficult to comment as such. I will say, if anyone, they have an intention in their action to commit an offence, they will be subject to investigation. And if evidence is available, we will proceed with arrest and charge. But if someone has no intention to commit an offence and they do not have any action to commit an offence, there is nothing for them to worry.


​     And you talk about smart prison. I think what we are doing is trying to facilitate the living of the detainees inside the institution. I think everything is in compliance with the laws of Hong Kong. Thank you.


(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)