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Ed Walker Tapped As Montana State Chair for U.S. Term Limits

Today, U.S. Term Limits announces that former State Senator Ed Walker has agreed to be the Montana State Chair for U.S. Term Limits. Walker brings a depth of public service to this role. He has seen first-hand the need for term limits at the federal level and will work tirelessly in his role as Montana State Chair to see that Montana adopts a resolution for term limits.

“I am very honored to be serving as the Montana State Chair for U.S. Term Limits,” said Ed Walker. “Now more than ever before, the need for term limits is crystal clear. Polls show that the one issue Americans regardless of political affiliation are united about is the need for congressional term limits.

“We have members of Congress who were first elected when the Ford Pinto was the best-selling car in America and the 8-track tape was the next big thing. I can think of no better argument for term limits than that,” concluded Walker. “Serving in Congress has become for many, a lucrative lifelong job rather than a public service. Term limits will help end career politicians and make Congress work better for all Americans.

“We are honored to have Ed leading our efforts in Montana to pass term limits on Congress,” said Philip Blumel, President of U.S. Term Limits. “He is a strong leader who understands the problems within Congress and the need for term limits. Under his guidance, I am confident we will get our term limits resolution passed in Montana.”

Ed Walker is a former Montana State Senator, first elected in 2010 to represent the families living in the western neighborhoods of Billings. A fourth generation Montanan, he grew up in a family of natural resource entrepreneurs. Whether its oil and natural gas, gold, copper, coal, or sand and gravel –Walker is a rockhound, and Montana is the Treasure State. For more than a decade, Ed earned a reputation as a First Amendment absolutist by introducing bills that ensured the rights of Americans to freely assemble, speak, and petition their representatives. Outside his legislative role, he organized social welfare groups that helped educate Montana citizens of the activist and law-making tendencies of the Judiciary. In his private life, Ed Walker is a free market enterpriser and small business owner. Ed his wife Kathleen are parents of five children and two grandchildren.

U.S. Term Limits is the largest grassroots term limits advocacy group in the country. We connect term limits supporters with their legislators and work to pass term limits at all levels of government, particularly on the U.S. Congress. Find out more at


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