Cultural Pluralism and Psychoanalysis: The Asian and North American Experience turns focus to the intricate interface between South and East Asians and Euro-Americans. He establishes the groundbreaking work for this study by first presenting how Western psychology and psychoanalysis are specifically rooted in the modern Western culture of individualism (e.g. the experiential self in the West is an I-self in contrast to the Asian we-self).
Roland discusses the cultural/psychological misunderstandings, discrepancies, and confusion between both South and East Asians and Euro-Americans. A bi-cultural self develops in Asian Americans that can generate substantial internal turmoil in the immigrant generation and often confusion in the second generation, as well as also resulting in new integrations in an expanding self. Case studies are replete to illustrate these points. In addition, he introduces into psychoanalysis the spiritual self, which can be highly relevant to some of his Asian patients who are involved in meditation or other spiritual practices. Two other psychoanalytic therapists and an anthropologist supplement Rolands work on Indians and Japanese with essays on Chinese and South Koreans.
Read the book to learn the relationships between Americans and Asians as well as the authors extensive studies of root causes of misunderstandings of Asian cultures and how they are in conflict with Westerners and their expectations.
Book available at
Cultural Pluralism and Psychoanalysis: The Asian and American Experience
Author: Alan Roland
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Publication Date: October 2021
Genre: Psychoanalysis with Ethnographic Orientation that takes culture into account
Target Audience: Anthropologists, People who are involved in Asian studies, Broadening citizens of the United States, Practicing analysts, and psychoanalysts who are working with people with Asian-Americans and with different cultures.
About the Author
Alan Roland, Ph.D., a psychoanalyst, author, artist, and playwright/librettist. He has made seminal contributions in the area of cross-cultural psychology with Asians and Asian Americans, having written three books on the subject.
Dr. Roland is an accomplished artist, regularly exhibiting watercolors, intaglio prints and conte crayon drawings in venues around the country. Following this theme, he also wrote a book on drama, creativity and the artist.
In addition, to visual art, he has written and had performed a musical theater work with dance. It is a historical play set in the Ummayad Caliphate in 10th century Cordoba, Spain, entitled Flight of the Ibis. He has also written an opera-oratorio, War of the Sons of Light, in collaboration with the Israeli composer, Ami Maayani.