JD Institute Students Win PETA India T-Shirt Design Contest During World Vegan Month


After launching an animal-friendly T-shirt design competition for JD Institute of Fashion Technology students for World Vegan Month (November), People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India has reviewed the submissions – and the group is naming Apoorva Rai, Nikita Borah, and Smriti Singh the winners for their attention-grabbing designs with inspiring taglines. Their designs will be printed on T-shirts by Styched on behalf of PETA India and are available for sale here.

“JD Institute of Fashion Technology, being an educational entity, believes that it is our moral responsibility to inculcate the values associated with PETA in our upcoming generation,” says JD Institute of Fashion Technology Managing Director Rupal Dalal. “An educated and ethically responsible generation would light up a hope for an empathetic, sustainable future, not only in the reflective industries but will contribute to a bigger humane picture. It is not just a competition but a medium to inform the audience as well as the participants about the value of protecting animals. The process of participation in this contest will help students in creating a ripple effect about the cause and generate greater insight attached to it.”


“These skilled young designers have big hearts for animals and promising futures in fashion,” says PETA India Senior Media and Celebrity Projects Coordinator Monica Chopra. “PETA India is eager to help them reach as many people as possible with their T-shirt messages of kindness to animals.”


Rai’s design urging people to let animals keep their skins comes in response to PETA India’s revelations that cows killed for leather in India are crammed into vehicles in such high numbers that their bones break and they are likely to suffocate and die en route. Pigs are stabbed in the chest, and other animals’ throats are slit – typically while they are still conscious.


Borah’s T-shirt gives a nod to the numerous plant leathers now being developed from materials as diverse as pineapples, bananas, coconuts, cacti, and mushrooms. Singh’s design shines a spotlight on the plight of millions of dogs in India who struggle to survive on the streets or are in animal shelters, in need of loving homes.


PETA India – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear or abuse in any other way” – opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information, please visit PETAIndia.com or follow the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.



Hiraj Laljani 9619167382; HirajL@petaindia.org

Sachin Bangera 8291292039; SachinB@petaindia.org

