71% of Student Loan Borrowers Ready to Resume Payments in 2022 (The College Investor Survey)


 The College Investor recently surveyed 1,200 student loan borrowers to see how financially ready they are to resume payments in February 2022 when the COVID-19 student loan forbearance expires.

Despite the ongoing economic concerns, the survey found that 71% of student loan borrowers were financially ready to resume payments next year.

Read the full survey findings here: https://thecollegeinvestor.com/38730/survey-resume-student-loan-payments/.

Key Findings:

– 71% of borrowers surveyed feel financially ready to resume making their student loan payments in February 2022. Only 29% said they did not feel financially ready to start making payments on their student loans.

– Only 65% of borrowers know what their student loan payment is going to be when it resumes.

– 84% of student loan borrowers worry about their student loan payment, with 50% worrying about their loans “often.”

The College Investor Editor-in-Chief, Robert Farrington, believes that while borrowers are ready to resume payments, lack of clear communication from the Department of Education around re-starting payments is making borrowers worry. “There needs to be a cohesive media plan with mass marketing and communication, and a focus on connection with all student loan borrowers.”

To learn more about The College Investor, please visit: www.thecollegeinvestor.com.

The College Investor

Robert Farrington





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