The City of Vallejo, California, Once Again Brings Back the Popular & Extravagant Mad Hatter Holiday Festival, Parade & Tree Lighting after being in the Rabbit Hole for the Past Year


Out of the Rabbit Hole making their way to the Holiday Parade & Festival will be Darth Vader and his elite Storm Troopers, along with some incredible space rides joined by Alice, the Queen of Hearts, the Caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat, the White Rabbit and the March Hare. The storybook of Alice in Wonderland comes alive with its animated characters and creatures for children to explore and relish in the festival.

There will be marching bands, dancing Maritime Cadets waltzing with their beautifully dressed partners, playing cards that dance, skirted roaming Queens visiting from afar, as well as unexpected surprise guests of the Hatter. There will be three performance stages, a robotic Jurassic Park and an interactive Wonderland Square with an international food court and holiday vendors, many serving hot chocolate and coffee to keep you warm while the tree lighting ceremony starts with our Hatter, Master of Ceremonies & Grand Marshals: Danny Thomas, co-founder of the popular R&B funk band Con Funk Shun & Vallejo’s Shakespeare in the Park.

Along the Mad Hatter Parade route down historic Georgia Street there will be holiday markets on side streets, with storybook renderings of Alice in Wonderland, music, holiday gift items, and live musical performances, many eateries, and guests donning Victorian wear. The Mad Hatter’s Beer & Wine Garden will have live music as well on the festival grounds. By the waterfront after the Holiday Tree Lighting will be the Lighted Maritime Boat Parade an enjoyable day with free entrance for all who attend.

The Mad Hatter activities continues Sunday, December 12, 2021 with a charming Victorian holiday tradition going from outstanding grand home to another that includes a festive reception at the USA World Classic Car Museum (1521 Sonoma Blvd) with music , food & wine $35.00 Tickets available at Reception, or at Reception 2:30 – 4:30 PM; tour 3:00 – 7:00 PM and after party 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM at Vino Godfather Winery (Mask required)

Hyperion Community Partners LLC, partners with the City of Vallejo to host their major holiday events under The Mad Hatter Holiday Festival: December Tree Lighting, Parade & Festival as well as the July 4th Mad Hatter Celebration. It has also hosted a number of other festivals and activities including wine tasting, downtown Hot August Nights, leading parade for the Capital Tree travels to Washington D.C. as well as the festival around the Lombardi Trophy tour by Chase.


You Tube video produced by WhatSF, a weekly television program that aired in San Francisco has a growing viewership of over 100,000: