Out of the hundreds of applicants, GlobalED is proud to be among the 20 finalists for the STOP Award and honored that our hard work and passion for empowering a new generation has been recognized. We strive to be the worldwide leader in innovative, effective, and efficient solutions that will create a better world, and this recognition is just another step toward that vision coming to fruition. We’ve also promised to use business as a force for good, giving young minds the tools to better all of mankind, and this recognition tells us we’ve been making good on that promise.
The STOP Award is presented in partnership between Forbes and the Center for Educational Resources (CER) and recognizes educational providers like GlobalED, who powered through the COVID-19 pandemic to continue to deliver education to underserved students. Not just any education though, as the award specifically recognizes Sustainable, Transformational, and Outstanding education provided to students in Permissionless settings.
The STOP Award is a first-of-its-kind award and comes with a $1 million prize that the winner can use as they see fit to better serve the underprivileged communities they represent. GlobalED is honored to have this opportunity to further our vision and empower the world to achieve greatness at individual, organizational, and communal levels.
The 20 finalists were judged not just on their perseverance throughout the pandemic but also how they plan to change the trajectory of K-12 education. Moving forward, GlobalED and the other 19 finalists will take part in a four-week hybrid accelerator program hosted by GSVlabs Dallas. There, we’ll have the opportunity to work with technology leaders and investors to identify how we can take our ideas about education to the next level.
GlobalED is a free online alternative education option available to 6th to 12th grade Colorado students, regardless of their school district. GlobalED uses a blended learning model with an online curriculum and both face-to-face and web-based support to assist students that need something beyond the tradition education system.
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If you would like more information about this topic, please call Dana Lambart at (719) 248-4695, or email [email protected].