Wesley Dean Trammel’s “When Life Pushes You Around: Dealing with Being Mistreated,”shares his life experiences on how to thrive in this harsh and ruthless reality


Daily life in the real world is a constant struggle. Humans can often be atrocious, unkind, and self-consumed. They could care less about how they treat you. Whatever the reason they have for mistreating you, it will never stop you from getting through victoriously.
The goal in writing this book is that everyone who reads it will realize other people have similar experiences and it will give them strength, peace, and guidance. The author has gone through tough trials, it helped him mature into a better individual. Like the old saying goes “Life is not fair” but we can be an overcomer.
Want to know how to handle people who treat you badly? The author provides personal life experiences of situations he deal with such as:
·         Road Rage
·         Ridiculed for your faith
·         Bullying in School and Adulthood
·         Judged for your Political and Social Media views
·         Government infringement and overreach
·         Workplace and Business
Readers might have similar encounters in these and other areas in their life that they can relate to. This book has the answers on how to manage these kinds of circumstances from a biblical viewpoint. It provides real solutions to use to overcome hardships, trials in life and dealing with people who hurt you mentally, emotionally, and physically. A very extensive life guide that will help you provide that correct mindset in any appropriate situation. Definitely a must-read. Get your own copy today! 
Book available at https://youronlinepublicist.com/product/when-life-pushes-you-around-dealing-being-mistreated-by-wesley-dean-trammel/
When Life Pushes You Around: Dealing With Being Mistreated
Author: Wesley Dean Trammel
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Publication Date: November 2021
Genre: Self Help, Autobiography, Spiritual Growth
Target Audience: All audiences, all walks of life
About the Author
Wesley Trammel, the author of this book, has lived in Texas most of his life. He has a bachelor’s degree in business and currently works in the mortgage and insurance industry. Wesley enjoys bicycling, camping, kayaking, hiking, swimming, and other outdoor activities which make him happy. He is close to family and involved in serving and church. He also loves animals, traveling, festivals, photography, reading, and the arts. This is his first book; Wesley hopes it brings non-believers to the Lord Jesus Christ.