Norene Willis’ “Living Life in Vitiligo” is an Endearing and Inspiring Memoir That Reveals About Talents, Abilities, and Coping Up With Vitiligo


The author reveals her life experiences in the late 90’s singing in church choirs.  She would see people visiting the church who had Vitiligo during that time and greeted them with warm welcomes and hugs. There was once an instance a total stranger approached Willis and told problems with dating and Vitiligo.
The book is all about inspiration, encouragement, and mindset.  “Living Life in Vitiligo,” provides all the enlightenment and confidence.
It wasn’t until the author started to sell the book when all the pieces started to come together. “It was all the feedback that I was getting back from the people who had read my book that made me realize that all the pain that I went through was not for me, but it was for them. The Lord guided the author and made her realize that He help prepare this book written to anyone who needs it.”
Read the book to get to know more and learn Willis’ life experiences and how to cope up with Vitiligo and enjoy life has to offer.
Book available at
Living Life in Vitiligo
Author: Norene L. Willis
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Publication Date: November 2021
Genre: People who have Vitiligo
Target Audience: All walks of LIFE
About the Author
Norene L. Willis is seventy-eight years old. At age twenty-three, her hair started to turn silver. She is originally from Marion, Indiana. While studying as an aspirant minister, she found out that God’s purpose for her life is to become a teacher of the Gospel. She still works full-time at a classic clothing Corporation. Her husband and she will soon be celebrating fifty-two years of marriage. They worship at the Morning Star Baptist Church located in Mattapan, Massachusetts. Their Pastor is The John M. Borders III. She is a member of the Praise and Worship Team. She has sung gospel music for the past seventy-two years. She is a Sunday School Teacher for the Primary Class at out church, ages six to eight.