Dr. Lucille Burbank selected to be featured in IAOTP’s Top 50 Fearless Leaders Publication


Dr. Lucille Burbank, Educational Media Consultant and Best-Selling Author of “The Inside Secrets of Sesame Street” and “Secrets from Sesame Street’s Pioneers: How They Produced a Successful Television Series” was recently chosen to be featured in the Top 50 Fearless Leaders Publication by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP).

Dr. Lucille Burbank, Educational Media Consultant and Best-Selling Author of “The Inside Secrets of Sesame Street” and “Secrets from Sesame Street’s Pioneers: How They Produced a Successful Television Series” was recently chosen to be featured in the Top 50 Fearless Leaders Publication by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP).

While being selected to be published in IAOTP’s Top 50 Fearless Leaders Publication, is an honor in itself, only 50 of the world’s most brilliant, courageous, inspirational professionals are selected for this distinction.

These special honorees are hand selected to share their stories of perseverance, resilience, passion and strength. They have made outstanding contributions to society; they have impacted their industries and are respected in their trades. A chapter will be dedicated to each honoree and the book is anticipated to be released first quarter of 2022.

Dr. Burbank has exemplary brilliance in her field and has dedicated more than three decades of her career to the educational media and technology industry.

She was recognized as Top Author of the Year for 2019. Dr. Burbank will receive the prestigious Lifetime Achievement award from 2020 and she will be honored for her exclusive induction into IAOTP’s Hall of Fame while in attendance of IAOTP’s Annual Awards Gala.

Her impressive background of prior work experience has inspired colleagues, students and business professionals alike, with her creativity and passion. Dr. Burbank served as a consultant for the Sesame Workshop, NASA, and the New Jersey Department of Civil Service.  Dr. Burbank taught media design and production courses at community colleges and was a media coordinator for the Eastern Pennsylvania Regional Resource Center for Special Education. She has written numerous articles on educational media and technology, including a grant proposal that provided a high degree of interactive learning experiences for special education students. Her most recent booklet, 52 Tips for Parents: Guide Your Child to Safe TV and Electronic Media was published to help make a difference in people’s lives.

Dr. Burbank earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Antioch College and earned a Master’s in Education from Temple University. At Temple she received the Constance Dorothea Weinman Scholarship, which enabled her to conduct a much larger doctoral study than she had originally intended. Thus, she was able to study three prominent children’s television series: Sesame Street, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, and Captain Kangaroo. In-depth interviews were conducted with the creators, actors, producers, puppeteers, researchers and writers of these three TV shows, which served as the inspiration for her books.

Throughout her illustrious career, Dr. Burbank has received many awards, accolades and has been recognized worldwide for her outstanding leadership and dedication. In 2017, Dr. Burbank was named Woman of the Year for her award-winning book, The Inside Secrets of Sesame Street, by Talk Nation Publications. Also, she was selected for the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award and was chosen, among a handful, to represent Marquis in the November 6, 2018, edition of the Wall Street Journal. Additionally, Dr. Burbank was named Top Female Executive by Worldwide Branding, and she is a delegate for the International Women’s Leadership Association. For 2019, she graced the front cover of TIP (Top Industry Professionals) Magazine and was selected as Top Author of the Year by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP). Dr. Burbank was interviewed on T.I.P. Radio for 2020 and was broadcasted on the famous Reuters Building in Times Square, NYC for a second time by IAOTP.  Also, for 2020 she was selected for IAOTP’s Lifetime Achievement Award and was inducted into IAOTP’s Hall of Fame. For 2022, she is being considered for the Author of the Decade Award.

Aside from her successful career, Dr. Burbank is also a sought-after lecturer, presenter and public speaker.  She has conducted numerous workshops and was an invited presenter for state and national conventions. She presented at the Indiana University Summer Media Conference and was a valued participant at the Lake Okoboji Educational Media Leadership Conference.  She was a presenter at the Association of Educational Communications and Technology, the International Communications Industries Association, the Pennsylvania Learning Resources Association, the International Visual Literacy Association, Inc., the Health Education Media Association, the Association for Indiana Media Educators, the NAVA Institutes for Effective Communications, the NAVA Institute for Professional Development, the Illinois Media Association, and the USAID sponsored workshops in Washington, D.C.

In the future, Dr. Burbank hopes to inspire others to do what they love: “Each day I am driven by my love for my work in educational media and technology. If, however, you find love for your work is not there, then discover what ‘turns you on’ and change jobs. It might mean a lot of perseverance to do so but loving what you do every day of your life is worth it.”

For more information on Dr. Burbank please visit: www.iaotp.com/lucilleburbank

To watch her video please visit: https://youtu.be/9pX_PKkz4e4


The International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) is an international boutique networking organization that handpicks the world’s finest, most prestigious top professionals from different industries.  These top professionals are given an opportunity to collaborate, share their ideas, be keynote speakers, and to help influence others in their fields. This organization is not a membership that anyone can join.  You have to be asked by the President or be nominated by a distinguished honorary member after a brief interview.

IAOTP’s experts have given thousands of top prestigious professionals around the world, the recognition and credibility that they deserve and have helped in building their branding empires.  IAOTP prides itself to be a one of a kind boutique networking organization that hand picks only the best of the best and creates a networking platform that connects and brings these top professionals to one place.

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