Nancy Lynne Harris Comes with Two New Books About Healing Ourselves from Mental Illness


Pearson Media Group reputation in the field of indie movie creation is seemingly reputable. The media team allows many authors to showcase their work that is timely and relevant in this generation. To reach a new height, PMG focus is on producing an informative and appropriate theme. In these coming months, PMG, together with an up-and-coming spiritual writer, Nancy Lynne Harris, will give everyone a new motion picture that will surely be of importance.

Both Invasion Revealed and Mental Illness Heal Yourself take a spiritual approach to explain the harmful elements that infiltrate our psychological sphere.   

In Invasion Revealed, Harris sees the negativities as hungry demons that enter your dream space and cause havoc in your mind. Unintentional neglect and ignorance of the spiritual nature result in the development of alcoholism, drug addiction, mental illness, Alzheimer’s disease, and other similar sickness, because of the disturbances they cause. If these individuals already knew how to care for themselves successfully, they would not suffer from illness. They can heal themselves through spiritual training, self-correction, and internal transformation. Many centuries ago, Jesus demonstrated to us how to defeat what he referred to as “the prince of this world.” Even though what he showed may not have been the solution you were looking for, his words and actions perfectly explained what causes disfunction and chaos in our lives today.

Harris recommends ten strategies for self-healing, such as praising yourself (i.e., “good for me!”), giving yourself permission to change, and re-thinking your negative self-talk. Based on Biblical teaching, she equates these processes to Jesus’s casting devils out of hurting people. 

Mental Illness Heal Yourself, which is similar to Invasion Revealed, explains how to free oneself from the faulty components that contribute to mental disease, alcoholism, and drug addiction. When deciding to heal from incurable illnesses, a shift in how you punish yourself in the solitude of your thoughts is required. When you learn to change and reverse your negative attitudes about yourself completely, you will experience more excellent health and inner serenity, but only if you change the negative way you think about yourself will you accomplish lasting results. Although intoxicating spirits and hazardous drugs are removed from your body, in detox, unclean spirits (living demonic beings) remain present in your inner dream space and will continue to afflict you after you have completed your detoxification.

A conclusion of her teaching is that “thinking ’I love myself’ is the best medication you can ever take.

Pearson Media Group gives way for Harris to demonstrate an alternative way to come out from our worldliness through different books but speaks the same language of mental healing. Harris’ method of self-healing coupled with biblical pearls of wisdom can genuinely help you be on a better path in your life. The lesson we all have yet to learn and display is the triumphant power of Self-Love.

Grab your copy of Invasion Revealed: Healing Alcoholism, Mental Illness & Drug Addiction, and Mental Illness Heal Yourself in digital forms before it hits the mainstream media. 

”Invasion Revealed: Healing Alcoholism, Mental Illness & Drug Addiction”
Author: Nancy Lynne Harris
Date Published: July 17, 2019
Paperback: $9.99
“Mental Illness Heal Yourself”
Author: Nancy Lynne Harris
Date Published: August 2, 2019
Paperback: $7.95
About the Author:

Nancy Lynne Harris, M.A., is a graduate of The Four Winds Society, founded by Dr. Alberto Villoldo, trained in shamanism and energy healing. She graduated as a Spiritual Teacher from the Eschatology Foundation in Los Angeles and healed her son Michael of glaucoma. She completed advanced training in Theta Healing and was recognized by Worldwide Who’s Who for excellence in energy medicine.