Benchmark International’s Client Diagnostics Research Group (DXRG) Was Acquired by IMA Group


 On October 12, 2021, it was announced that Diagnostics Research Group (DXRG) was acquired by The IMA Group (IMA).

DXRG is a clinical research site located in San Antonio, Texas, with expertise in various medical specialties such as vaccine and medical device development, internal medicine, allergies and pulmonary and fatty liver diseases, to name a few.

This acquisition is IMA’s fourth acquisition in 2021. The acquisition has allowed them to expand into the southwestern United States. It also allows IMA to broaden its access to the diverse patient population. In addition, IMA is growing its Clinical Research Division and medical offices. The company has over 90 brick-and-mortar medical offices.

Per IMA Group’s President, Mark Weinberger, Ph.D., MPH, “DXRG is an exceptional addition to our Clinical Research Division. Its broad-ranging expertise in multiple indications, as well as diverse patient population base, strengthens and widens our therapeutic and geographic reach.”

Brita Andrews, RN, MSN, CCRC, who has served as CEO of DXRG since its founding 21 years ago, commented, “This acquisition takes DXRG to a new level, enabling us to provide greater access to new and improved medical treatments and devices through clinical trial participation in San Antonio and South Texas. Our extensive therapeutic expertise complements the existing capabilities of IMA Clinical Research, and our access to diverse patient populations will create synergies with existing recruitment efforts.”

DXRG will continue to operate with its name and key members in place. The acquisition allows DXRG to expand its resources to service its clients.

Americas: Sam Smoot at +1 (813) 898-2350 /

Europe: Michael Lawrie at +44 (0) 161-359-4400 /

Africa: Anthony McCardle at +27-21-300-2055 /

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Benchmark International

Brittney Zoeller




  • Mergers & Acquisitions