PACE Solutions and Xemplar Partner to offer PACE-Integrated Smartphone Telematics and Policy Services Solutions


“Insurance companies have been struggling with their outdated legacy systems and the extremely high prices to convert or begin a new policy management system. PACE is a state of the art hosted solution that was created to answer the problems of the carriers and MGAs at a reasonable price. Partnering with Xemplar Insights just makes sense to further meet the needs of our customers.” Gordon B. Ragan, CEO of Perimeter Software Solutions. (PACE Solutions

“With mobile apps for policy self-service and Usage Based Insurance (UBI) on the rise, carriers are looking for partnerships between PAS systems and Insurtechs to speed the time to market for new insurance products. PACE and Xemplar have come together to meet this need and take the burden of system integration away from mutual customers” opines SK Tirumala, CEO of Xemplar Insights. He further adds “Xemplar continues to grow its partner eco-system with solutions like PACE to offer nimble and cost-efficient solutions to drive innovation and profitability into the hands of small-to-mid sized insurers and MGAs”.

About PACE Solutions

PACE Solutions was founded and is managed by Insurance Industry experts with over 100 years of combined experience covering carriers, agencies, and insurance technology. Their policy administration system PACE was created to provide insurers with a simple. Powerful, and scalable to meet the past pace of the modern insurance industry

About Xemplar Insights

In operation since 2015, the Xemplar team develops innovative software products and solutions to enable P&C carriers, MGAs, and commercial fleets with digital transformation in the areas of (a) customer engagement, (b) policyholder services, and (c) telematics based risk management. Built using robust cloud architecture and native mobile and web frameworks, Xemplar products are designed to be scalable, flexible, and extendible to suit the needs of P&C insurers

Media Contact: Gordon Ragan, Perimeter Software Solutions LLC

Telephone: +1 404 310 4941

Email: gragan ( @ ) pacepolicy dot com

Media Contact: Harold Leitner, Xemplar Insights LLC

Telephone: +1 602 317 2849

Email: hleitner ( @ ) xemplarinsights dot com
