VoteRockIt Maryland, LLC Announces completed acquisition of VoteRockit software


VoteRockIt Maryland, LLC announces the acquisition of VoteRockIt software.

“We are really excited to bring enhanced, easy to use tools to campaigns and advocacy groups around the world,” said Brian Lynch, CEO of VoteRocIt  Maryland

It is important to have transparency and a direct connection to supporters, VoteRockIt provides this with both a Content Management App and a Canvassing app – each app is branded and deployed on Apple and Google stores individually for each client.

Customers worldwide have already benefitted from deploying VoteRockIt from Presidential campaigns to US Gubernatorial to local campaigns as well as advocacy groups.  VoteRockIt has enable active ongoing engagement with key constituencies using the mobile based, easy to use platform.

“The app is more than just a mobile version of our main campaign site.” said John Gilmore of the Asa Hutchinson for Governor campaign, “we want to ensure that our campaign is taking advantage of every resource to reach voters and are excited to be utilizing a dedicated mobile app.”

VoteRockIt sofware is available for immediate delivery through our website and through our VAR network.