KEEKS olivia Bras, a disruptive startup, is shaking up the 80 year old foam padded bra industry


Since the first padded bra was introduced EIGHTY years ago, awkwardly shaped and bulky foam padded cups have ruled the outer appearance of women’s breasts and there’s not much we have been able to do about it until now!

ATLANTANov. 2, 2021PRLog — There is no part of the human body as soft, elegant, and magical as the female breasts.

But since the first padded bra was introduced EIGHTY years ago, awkwardly shaped and bulky foam padded cups have ruled the outer appearance of women’s breasts and there’s not much we have been able to do about it. Any woman who has ever worn a foam cup bra, unfortunately, can relate.  We have had no choice but to conform to this industry standard padding that consistently gives us less-than-ideal and hideously shaped breasts because we have had very few other choices.

But not anymore ladies!!!  It’s time to kick those foam padded bras to the curb!

Krystal Wilbanks, the founder of KEEKS olivia, has created a bra line with GEL padded cups based on three wonderful elements of the female breast: soft, elegant, and magical.

Krystal set out to develop a bra that would give the outer appearance of women’s breasts an absolute natural shape by adding a fuller look to the bottom of the bust line while giving the top of the bust a slightly less fuller look than the bottom creating the perfect teardrop shape breasts that so many women desire!

How is this cup different you ask?  Instead of using traditional foam padded cups, Krystal developed a bra with very soft, skin-like, silicone-gel cups.  The design replicates the female breast in softness and in shape leaving the wearer of The Bra of Your Dreams™ by KEEKS olivia bra with the most visually flattering breasts when wearing under articles of clothing.

And wait…it gets even better!!! We are not talking silicone-gel inserts here that shift 30 different ways inside of the bra and end up falling out onto the floor. The silicone-gel cups are sewn into the bra making it impossible for the cups to shift giving the wear the ultimate piece of mind knowing her breast will stay in place and perfectly shaped all day, or night, long!

For now, The Bra of Your Dreams™ by KEEKS olivia is accessible in sizes 32C, 34B, and 36A and comes in black with more sizes, colors, and prints coming in early 2022.

Since the launch of KEEKS olivia Bras in January 2021, the company has grown to become a successful business model and anticipates tripling in growth in 2022.

Krystal Wilbanks, KEEKS olivia’s Founder and CEO, states: “I didn’t like the way my boobs looked in most of my foam padded bras, the natural breast shape was lost in all the padding…but there wasn’t another option.  So I started looking for a material that would form around the shape of the breast to create a naturally beautiful look. That’s when I discovered that soft, skin-like gel was a perfect alternative to awkward bulky foam padding and so The Bra of Your Dreams™ with gel padding was born!”


Lynsi Robbins – Partnerships & Engagements

