“A Snake at My Shoulder” – A One-Of-A-Kind Page-Turner


Everyone has a few skeletons in their closets that they hope will never see the light of day, to be nothing but a forgotten memory, but the past has a nasty habit of digging itself out of the deepest darkest recesses of the mind and spilling its secrets, whether it’s a long-forgotten traumatic experience or the recollection of regrets and fears that was thought to hold no sway on a person’s current disposition.

Author Joan Kenny utilizes the idea of having a skeleton in the closet of one of the characters in her book “A Snake at My Shoulder” to create a narrative tale filled with romance, suspense, and haunting memories, all with a vivid description of the setting where the story is taking place.

The book could be considered by readers as a myriad of conflicting emotions that leave readers dumbstruck but utterly engaged in the progression of the narrative. Making it a reading experience unlike many others, where readers question the thought of the narrative is a work of literary fiction or based on an actual event that happened in the past.

A Snake at My Shoulder
Written by: Joan Kenny

Available Formats
E-book: $2.99
Paperback: $11.19
Hardcover: $22.95

Copies of this harrowing tale are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and GoToPublish. Be pulled into a narrative that catches your focus with the revelation of a past so traumatic it will leave you wondering what skeletons people keep in their closet behind the façade of a smile.

About the Author
Joan Kenny was born in Northern Ireland and lived in Canada, she spent eighteen years in England and Holland. Her travel experiences that have always been adventurous and unpredictable have offered her a wealth of experiences to draw upon and provide vivid details for locations in her haunting books.