Swiflearn’s Webinar on VEDIC MATHS


For all of you, we have got the first time ever Vedic maths session where you can experience-

1- The tips and hacks of solving maths in fractions of seconds

2- Observe patterns and discover the joy of solving mathematical problems

3- Various activities and math games

4- A super trained tutor to guide you and make learning interesting

So what are you waiting for? Don’t miss the chance. We have limited slots available.

Benefits of VEDIC MATHS

– Reduce the number of steps required to solve problems

– Sharpen Calculation skills & Increase concentration

– Saves time & helps in scoring more in future competitive exams

– Complex problems can be done using simple formulae or sutras.

– Simple and one line approach

– Super fast methods along with quick cross-checking methods.

– Keep your brain fit.

For more information about the upcoming webinars, please visit: https://swiflearn.com/blog/swiflearn-webinar/
