Jan Keegan’s Second Edition 31-Day Devotional Book is Equipped with a Teaching Guide for Those Who Want to Teach Others About Christ


In the 1990s, author Jan Keegan began to earnestly study the Bible. Her study included travels to Israel to walk in the footsteps of Christ during his earthly ministry. She has continued to walk the path that Christ has created for her since then, putting His teachings into reality in her daily life.
Jan employed the skill of accurate, succinct, and meaningful prose in writing “As Christ is My Example.” The book provides an in-depth examination of Jesus Christ’s life, including who He is, what He did, and how He wants his disciples to live.
The book is intended to be a 31-day devotional that may be read one day at a time or several topics a day. One may want to reread the daily topic each day through each month, for a few months, to help in developing a strong, close relationship with Christ.
Everyday, a separate devotion focuses on a different theme, such as prayer, forgiveness, temptation, love, mercy, turning the other cheek, work, and pleasing God. Each meditation begins with the phrase “As Christ is my example” and then offers a first-person perspective based on the gospels.
Families can make the book the centerpiece of their family devotions. Teaching children about Christ and reading one topic to them, maybe at breakfast, as they prepare to enter the school environment, can make a difference in their lives and aid them in their spiritual development. The book is especially useful at certain periods of the year, such as Lent and Advent. A Teaching Guide has been added to the book to assist anybody who wants to use it to teach others about Christ.
Buy the book at: https://youronlinepublicist.com/product/as-christ-is-my-example-a-daily-walk-in-faith-with-christ-by-jan-keegan/
As Christ Is My Example: A Daily Walk in Faith with Christ
Author: Jan Keegan
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Published Date: August 2021
Book Genre: Religion & Spirituality
About the Author:
Jan lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma near her family. She is a retired nurse practitioner. She is grateful for others who brought her to Jesus Christ when she was a child. She has found that her life has been transformed by studying the Bible and traveling to Israel to retrace the paths that Jesus traversed in his ministry. Her goal with this book is to help others develop a strong, committed, loving, relationship with Jesus Christ.