CD Bioparticles Introduces Organelle and Cell and Tissue Targeting Liposomes Formulation and Development Service


Over the past few decades, nanomedicine, particularly liposomal drug delivery, has attracted extensive attention. Attributes including low batch-to-batch variability, ease of synthesis, scalability, and biocompatibility have offered liposomes substantial advantages over many other nanoparticular drug delivery systems. One of the most outstanding traits of liposomes would be their flexibility for surface modification to enhance the selective targeting of cells/organs. Specific targeting of tissues and cells can either be passive, for long circulating liposomes, or active, for liposomes conjugated to ligands with specific affinity for receptors within a tissue, cell or intracellular target.

CD Bioparticles now can offer a series of key services for organelle & cell & tissue targeting liposomes formulation and development. For instance, CD Bioparticles can design and screen the suitable organelle/cell/tissue targeting modifications for targeting delivery, and offers optimized bioconjugation strategies with improved consistency and specificity. With an experienced and professional team, CD Bioparticles can optimize the liposomal cargos for scientists’ R&D purposes. CD Bioparticles also offers lipid library development for active-delivery studies, with targeting activity analysis and evaluation.

CD Bioparticles’ organelle & cell & tissue targeting liposomes formulation and development service is featured with passive targeting by size & active targeting by surface modification, and has 3 main methods to achieve surface modification, including binding the desired targeting ligand to a lipid prior to mixing them with other lipid components during liposome preparation; liposomes that are functionalized with the required targeting ligand immediately after preparation; and postinsertion of the functionalized lipid in preformed liposomes.

“The new release are an comprehensive series of services that might contribute to improvement in cancer therapy, and can be precise diagnostic/imaging tools for drug delivery research. Supporting research scientists in the drug delivery areas and academia laboratories, CD Bioparticles brings a complete and flexible solution for organelle & cell & tissue targeting liposomes formulation and development. Researchers in academia, pharmaceutical, and life science industries can also benefit from the our other liposome related services and liposome systems,” said Dr. Robin J. Watts, the scientific officer of R&D department of CD Bioparticles.

Please feel free to contact CD Bioparticles to learn more about organelle & cell & tissue targeting liposomes formulation and development service for your studies. For other detailed information on liposomes, please visit CD Bioparticles at

About CD Bioparticles

CD Bioparticles is an established drug delivery company which provides customized solutions for developing and producing new, biocompatible drug delivery systems. It specializes in a range of formulation and drug delivery technologies, from conventional liposomes, PEGylated liposomes for drug delivery to polymer microspheres and nanoparticles for enhanced drug delivery. It provides contract services of drug delivery formulation developments for basic research, formulation feasibility studies, process development and scale-up, formulation characterization, analytical and nonclinical services.
