Hong Kong – HKSARG strongly condemns so-called notice by US


HKSARG strongly condemns so-called notice by US


     In response to the so-called notice on “Implementation of Employment Authorization for Individuals Covered by Deferred Enforced Departure for Hong Kong” issued by the US authorities on October 21, a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government spokesman said today (October 22):
     “The HKSAR Government strongly condemns the so-called notice by the US authorities.
     “This notice equates to the US offering so-called ‘safe haven’ to wanted fugitives who have escaped from Hong Kong and are attempting to evade justice by hiding in foreign countries, including the US.
     “Governments that not only harbour but invite or encourage fugitive offenders to live in their country wantonly disregard the rule of law and expose their hypocrisy for all to see.
     “Countries taking such actions should take full responsibility for unnecessarily stoking tensions between the relevant countries and our Motherland.
     “We urge the US to stop their blatant interference in Hong Kong matters which are the internal affairs of the People’s Republic of China.”