Dr. Herman Kagan Shares His Thoughts Between Man-Made and Supernatural Beliefs in His Compelling Reference “Faith, Supernatural Beliefs and The Symbolic Brain”


We humans have been blessed with a symbolic brain that helps us adapt to and survive in our natural and man-made worlds. However, it’s open to both true and false beliefs both of which have impacts on our well-being. Supernatural beliefs may lead to disastrous consequences but continue to exist because they actually serve human survival through their reliance on faith and reduction of stress. So, our symbolic brain’s readiness for supernatural beliefs is a mixed blessing but a blessing nevertheless.

The way the book looks at belief and superstition is really eye opening and has a good amount of information to help support the idea that will make you think. The book really puts in good points towards rationalizing religion with science. Some may find the content not completely agreeing with all the points provided in the book. The goal is to make religion and science work together instead of letting only one be center stage. Case studies are prevalent in the book, just to show where the source of information is coming from that makes this reference so engaging and compelling.

Read the book to get to know more and learn Dr. Herman Kagan’s anecdotes, experience and research.

Book available at https://youronlinepublicist.com/product/faith-supernatural-beliefs-and-the-symbolic-brain-by-herman-kagan/

Faith, Supernatural Beliefs and the Symbolic Brain
Herman Kagan
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Publication Date: October 2021
Genre: Non-Fiction, Social Science
Target Audience: General Audience, for university classroom if permitted

About the Author
Dr. Herman Kagan is a retired clinical psychologist, California licensed, who started writing to leave knowledge for his grandchildren.