Author Gregory Fetherson Shares His Knowledge and Enlightenment on the Meaning of Life in His Book “Deep Within: The Puzzles of Life”


“Deep Within: The Puzzles of Life” is designed to help readers understand the puzzles that happen throughout their existence. Life is like a piece of a puzzle that fits uniquely into God’s amazing reality of life. The trouble is trying to figure out where one stands in the picture? The book will provide that understanding. 
This is a helpful guide that can be used to understand The God Within. Gregory has a profound way of showing people how to know what they are feeling. Everyone will appreciate what he has done with this book, so as they will look forward to reading his next one. A book that opens the doors to insight into who God is and His power in your life. These helpful puzzles are designed to teach you and instruct you about surviving in this cruel and corrupted world. When your eyes get more significant than your heart, fear will creep in, which will open the door to a host of demons on a mission to seek and destroy. Your job is to recognize trouble when it appears by keeping your focus on God all the time.
Read the book to learn more insights and be enlightened in its beautiful, literary splendor.

Book available at
Deep Within: The Puzzles of Life, 2nd Edition
Author: Gregory Fetherson
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Published Date:  September 2021
Genre: Spiritual, Christian
Target Audience: All people from teens to adults.
About the Author
Gregory Fetherson was born and raised in Charlotte, NC, Retired from U.S. Army 1994, Ordain by God, as an 25 plus years Veteran Spiritual Warrior/Apostle, Certified Life Coach & NLP Practitioner, Author of two books: “Deep Within: The Wonderful World of God” and “Deep Within: The Puzzles of Life.” As a soldier in Christ, it’s his mission to perform his duties to the best of his God given talents and tell the truth, as it was told to him, by God.