Pearson Media Group Gives a Cinematic Story of Kevin Murphy’s Book


Pearson Media Group’s dedication to bringing forth authors’ script writing into the best indie version gives it a reputable name in the industry. The team focuses on bringing to life the words that will inspire people to let their written manuscripts come to life. This year, PMG collaborates with author Kevin Murphy to get the audience a new look into what we popularly know about foster homes and kids.

Murphy’s book talks about Dakota Rivers, the main protagonist, who loses nearly all that in a fire at his former foster family and is sent to another children’s home. He encounters two other kids his age and becomes acclimated to a new affluent life; nevertheless, he soon realizes that not all is as it appears.

The book will tell us and also teach us many things in life that we might neglect when we talk about foster homes, kids, and family. Pearson Media Group hopes to bring into an excellent motion picture of how Dakota Rivers went through everything and all the journey he did in between.

Better grab “Dakota Rivers” in your best paperback version before it hits into the mainstream media soon.
“Dakota Rivers”
Author: Kevin Murphy
Date Published: June 17, 2020
Paperback: $20.99
About the Author:
Kevin Murphy was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and he had developed a talent for writing stories at a very early age in life.