Sandy Throne Brings the Adoption of Pet Kitten to Life in the Relaunch of Her Lovable Book “A Tale from the Shelter”


At one point in our lives, we all wanted to adopt a cat. Who does not want an adorable, lovable, and irresistible furball as a companion? Cats are full of attitude, and they really live up to the saying, “Dogs have owners, cats have staff.” However, it is that attitude that makes us love them even more. Like how we connect with humans, our souls also connect to cats that are meant to be part of our lives. Not every cat is meant to be in our care and the lovely story of a family in search of the purr-fect addition to their home tells us that.
Sandy Throne invites kids and adults alike into the heartwarming story of Sophie the Maine Coon cat in the book, “A Tale from the Shelter.”
One morning, Janet and Andy decided it was time to add a new member to their household. The couple decided to adopt a kitten, so off they went to the shelter. Adorable felines lined up—big, small, furry, and not, and cats of different colors all playing together. However, when they spotted a peculiar kitten with enormous ears sleeping all by herself, they knew they found the kitten for them. This kitten had been overlooked for adoption because it looked different from the others but Janet and Andy saw how unique she was and fell in love with her.
Will people see what the couple see? Or will others only see a ball of fur with big ears?
This illustrated book will surely capture the attention of children and the variety of cats drawn on its pages will surely entertain them while it teaches them a lesson on loving and caring and respecting everyone’s uniqueness. It also reminds us to consider local shelters when adopting cats as these felines deserve a home as well.
Taking care of furry balls of happiness is not an easy feat. Teach your kids while they’re young.
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A Tale from the Shelter
Author: Sandy Throne
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Published Date: September 2021
Book Genre: Children’s Book
About the Author:
Sandy lives in El Dorado Hills, CA with Sandy’s husband Darwin who has been instrumental in putting the books together for print. It’s a fun journey for us to write books with meaning for children of all ages. We hope you enjoy reading these books to your loved ones. You will see that Sophie was indeed a special cat.