Stefan Mathis Creates a Heartwarming Kiddie Tale With Many Lessons to Offer


“A Ball’s Game: The Ball Talks” is an exciting kiddie book that narrates the life of the Rawlings Official Major League Baseball (or ROMLB for short). Join Bennie the Talking Ball as he narrates the most unlikely game ever played. The inspiration for this story comes from a special needs son. The author’s favorite song is “Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” which is also the inspiration for this book.

From the baseball’s point of view, Bennie describes how he is made and packaged in Costa Rica before arriving in the United States to be an official baseball during a home game of the Tampa Bay Rays. When it’s game time against the Toronto Blue Jays, Bennie describes the fate of his baseball friends that are being used during the game. A unique narrator is what stands out most in this book. The story is more than just fun and games. It also contains tons of facts and figures for fun learning.

“A Ball’s Game: The Ball Talks” is a fictional book yet, contains a lot of nonfiction elements. In this manner, it is informative and educational as well as entertaining. With some enhancements to the book presentation, specifically with more personalized illustrations specific to the story, more kids would be willing to pick up this book and give it a try.

Book copies are available at Amazon (’s-Game-Ball-Talks/dp/1646409582) and other online book retailers.

A Ball’s Game: The Ball Talks
Written by Stefan Mathis
Published by Stefan Mathis
Published date: May 21, 2017
Paperback Price: $8.49
Hardcover Price: $10.67

About the Author:
Stefan Mathis lives in Auburndale, FL with his special needs son. Loves baseball. Dreamed of becoming a big-league player in his youth. Wait! he still dreams of that. There could be a professional team out there that would be willing to take on a 54-year-old guy. His son’s belief that “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” is his favorite song inspired him to write the book.