Canada – Alternating lane reductions on Burlington Canal Lift Bridge


Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) wishes to advise motorists of alternating lane reductions on the Burlington Canal Lift Bridge for maintenance work.

For immediate release

Hamilton, Ontario, September 27, 2021 — Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) wishes to advise motorists of alternating lane reductions on the Burlington Canal Lift Bridge for maintenance work during the following periods:

Wednesday, September 29, from 9 am to 3 pm

During these periods, the lanes will be reduced alternately and two flagpersons will be on site to control traffic. Motorists should expect short delays.

The bridge will remain open to cyclists and pedestrians, and marine traffic will not be affected during the lane reductions.

The schedule may change depending on weather conditions.

PSPC encourages users to exercise caution when travelling on the bridge and thanks them for their patience.