While trailing a serial killer on horseback, homicide detective Beth Chambers finds she has somehow ridden back in timeĀto 1888! When she comes across injured Marshal Rad Morgan, she has no choice but to try to save his life. Though the handsome marshal believes a lady should stand behind her man, Beth is determined to catch the killer sheĀs chased through time, and prove sheĀs a capable law enforcement officer in any century.
A former Union soldier, Rad has survived the Confederate hellhole of Andersonville PrisonĀbut his toughest challenge is beautiful Beth Chambers. As the headstrong female detective from the future lets him in on why sheĀs there, Rad becomes convinced that her stubbornness may get her killed. But when he is shot and left for dead, the marshal has no other choice but to put himself in BethĀs handsĀand hope they can both survive!
Two officers of the law from different centuries chasing the same killer could be a recipe for disasterĀespecially with the distraction of love!
The Marshal’s Lady is available for purchase in print and ebook formats.
Book Information:
The Marshal’s Lady
Liberty Valley Love, Book 3
By Josie Malone
Publisher: Satin Romance
Published: August 2021
ISBN: 978-1953735898 (print)
ISBN: 978-1953735959 (ebook)
Pages: 301
Genre: Time Travel Western Romance
Website: https://www.josiemalone.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/josmaloneauthor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JosieMaloneAuthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/josiemaloneauthor
BookBuzz: http://bookbuzz.net/time-travel-western-romance-the-marshals-lady-by-josie-malone/
Purchase Links:
Western Romance, Time Travel Romance, BookBuzz, The Marshal’s Lady, Liberty Valley Love,
Josie Malone, Satin Romance
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