Frank Pozsgai Invites Readers and Hobbyists to His Intricate Wood-crafting Artistry and Know-How in His Do-It-Yourself Guide “A Scroll Saw Christmas: Step-by-Step to a 3D Sleigh and Reindeer”


The year-end holidays are just a couple months away. It’s that time of year where everybody is excited for the Christmas season, and scroll sawyers are no exception. This has been always the fact cause for a number of years of having a hard time keeping up with the demand for the pattern of Santa and the Reindeer. Perhaps it’s the beloved Rudolph, who leads the sled, or could be its music box that plays the song, but whatever, scroll sawyers and their families are usually drawn to this project.
The guide was created to help introduce the scroll sawyer newbies the joys of three-dimensional work. Most of us seem locked into working “flat,” cutting pictures and other two-dimensional projects, which, while beautiful, do not use the full capabilities of the saw. Three-dimensional work is a bit more painstaking and demanding, but worth it. With a few special methods, the world of the scroll expands exponentially, also provides safety tips in equipment handling as well. And all of a sudden, you are able to do things that once seemed impossible. It will make a beautiful Christmas fixture on your fireplace mantle, coffee table, or credenza.
Read the book to get more projects and the basics in scroll sawing. Pozsgai is excited to share this three-dimensional “joy” that will be part of your Christmas work, and that you enjoy the book as much as the author enjoyed creating it.  A compelling additional to wood crafts collection.
Book available at  
A Scroll Saw Christmas: Step-by-Step to a 3-D Sleigh and Reindeer
Frank Pozsgai
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Publication Date: August 2021
Genre: Seasonal Crafts
Target Audience: Woodworkers
About the Author
Frank Pozsgai lives in Aloha, Oregon, where he runs his workshop and business. He has been featured in Woodworker’s Business News.